
Winning the Survival Game

  • Stay organized! Organization is basically your weapon for success games! Without it, you will have a less chance of surviving!


  • Keep all past assignments and worksheets. Do not throw them unless the teacher tells you to. You might need them in class or to study!
  •  Do your homework and hand it in on time .


  • Studies before buddies! If you have an important test tomorrow, and a friend asks to play, say NO. Politely, of course! You can arrange a play date any other day, but tests are opportunities to raise grades! Studying may be boring at first to you, but grades are key for high school success and career readiness.
  •  Eat healthy and develop habits that will make you physically strong!


  • Make sure you are setting priorities, which is part of getting ready to be independent! You need to know which comes first. Making decisions are very important!


  • Listen to your parents! your parents are your primary source. They will guide you. They are your biggest inspiration, role model, and they will always be there for you!