
Help from Sponsors and Mentors

If you feel tense, keep in mind that hundreds of other people are walking through those doors as nervous as you are. There you go! You all have something in common!


Socialize, socialize, socialize! Make new friends! Your friends will stick to your side till high school and maybe even college, so choose wisely! Maybe someone will have similar interests as you!


Participate in clubs and events. You can meet more people and its a great way to make your mark! What IS making your mark? That means to be known to your classmates, the principal, and teachers.


Don’t worry about being popular. There will most likely be the most popular girl and boy in your school, but what’s important is that you make friends with people who will support you as equally as you support them.  Just remember to be nice to people and interact. That will make you known as a nice and fun person around the school!